Posts in 2018

  • The first Dubbo meetup has been held in Beijing

    Saturday, May 12, 2018 in Articles

    The first Dubbo meetup has successfully been held in Beijing, over 400+ people were present. What a great event! Please enjoy the slides of the topics: Ian Luo: Dubbo’s present and future (Chinese) slides Jun Liu: Introduction to the 4th …

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  • The ApacheCon NA schedule has been announced

    Wednesday, May 02, 2018 in Articles

    Ian Luo(PMC) and Jun Liu(PMC) will talk about “Introducing Apache Dubbo(Incubating): What is Dubbo and How it Works” at ApacheCon NA this year in Montréal! Please check out the schedule here and register here.

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  • The GSoC(Google Summer of Code) 2018

    Wednesday, April 25, 2018 in Articles

    The GSoC(Google Summer of Code) 2018 projects has been announced, Raghu Reddy’s project “Extending Serialization protocols support for Apache Dubbo” has been accepted! Congratulations!

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  • Dubbo roadmap is announced in QCon Beijing 2018

    Sunday, April 22, 2018 in Articles

    Ian Luo has delivered a great talk at QCon Beijing 2018, where the roadmap of Dubbo has also be announced. Please enjoy the slides!

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